Friday, March 30, 2012

Hide empty rows on drill down report

Is there any way to hide the expand button (the plus sign) for rows that have
no containing rows on a drill-down report? What is happening now is that the
plus signs are populated for all rows and only a small subset of them
actually have data in the to drill into.Jason,
You can go into the toggle item's Properties and under the Visibility
Tab, set the "Initial appearance of the toggle image for this report
item:" to Expression and use a variation of the following:
=IIf(Fields!Determing_Factor.Value = "Determining_Value",true,false)
for example:
=IIf(Fields!Item_Name.Value = "",true,false)
This makes it so that if my next rows Item_Name field is blank, the
toggle will be automatically set the the - symbol so that the user
knows there is nothing past this point.
Hope that helps. If I didn't make myself understandable, let me know
and I can try again.|||That's pretty good. Is there any way to make it so that the "-" symbol cannot
be expanded? It looks weird to have a "-" symbol change to a "+" symbol and
then expand with an empty line under it.
"Mal" wrote:
> Jason,
> You can go into the toggle item's Properties and under the Visibility
> Tab, set the "Initial appearance of the toggle image for this report
> item:" to Expression and use a variation of the following:
> =IIf(Fields!Determing_Factor.Value = "Determining_Value",true,false)
> for example:
> =IIf(Fields!Item_Name.Value = "",true,false)
> This makes it so that if my next rows Item_Name field is blank, the
> toggle will be automatically set the the - symbol so that the user
> knows there is nothing past this point.
> Hope that helps. If I didn't make myself understandable, let me know
> and I can try again.
To remove the additional row, you will need to set the Hidden value, of
the Visibility properties for the row, to the same as what is in the
toggle item's Initial Appearance value.
for example:
=IIf(Fields!Item_Name.Value = "",true,false)
And here is an example of a 6 level report, that may or may not have
data at all levels:
= "",IIf(Fields!lev6_Name.Value ="",true,false),false),false),false),false),false)
This would be inserted into the Hidden property of Group 1 in said
report. And would need to be placed in that property value for each of
the following groups, removing the previous row from the equation each
time. So for next row, the expression would start at lev2_Name, and the
Group 3 row would start at lev3_name, etc.
Does that help?|||Jason,
You will need to place an Expression into the Hidden field for the
Row's Visibility Properties. If you are using the above Expression on
the Initial Apperance, the Expression for the Hidden property would be
the same.
So, if it is a 3 level report and level 2 is a toggle for level 3, the
Expression would go in the toggle item on row 2 and in the Hidden
Property for Row3.

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