Friday, March 30, 2012

Hide Duplicates

I trying to create a report that looks like this:

Item Shipped OnHand PO# DueDate POQty

1234 0 0 111 8/01/07 12

222 8/08/07 12

333 8/16/07 12

2345 4 0 444 8/04/07 24

I pull back all the data in a single query and the result looks like this...

Item Shipped OnHand PO# DueDate POQty

1234 0 0 111 8/01/07 12

1234 0 0 222 8/08/07 12

1234 0 0 333 8/16/07 12

2345 4 0 444 8/04/07 24

Now I can use the Hide Duplicates property to fix the Item column since the query groups on item guaranteeing uniqueness. But that won't work for the Shipped and OnHand columns because adjacent items may have the same Shipped and OnHand totals. How do I hide the Shipped and OnHand values if and only if the Item is the same? Is this really a problem of hiding duplicates or do I need to break apart my query or find a sub-reporting solution?

Hi jimdt

You can Hide Shipped and OnHand Values
In the Visibility Property of the Shipped and OnHand Write the Following Expression

=IIF(Previous(Fields!Item.Value) = Fields!Item.Value AND Previous(Fields!Shipped.Value) = Fields!Shipped.Value AND Previous(Fields!OnHand.Value) = Fields!OnHand.Value, True, False)



use a table and build a group based on item and use the field item from your dataset in the group header.

If your dataset brings "shipped" and "OnHand" per item and you are allowed to build a sum do a sum(Shipped) in the group header, if summing brings up wrong values because sum is not allowed because the measures are allready sums use max(shipped) as a workaround.


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