Monday, February 27, 2012

Help: Selecting from two tables: odd situation

Hi, I have two tables setup as shown below:

Table name,"config"
| config_name | config_value |
| default_style | 1 |
| *other names | *other values |

Table name,"styles"
| style_id | style_name |
| 1 | Purple Hue |
| *other names | *other values |

Now, for my question:
I need to select everything (*) from the config table
and the 'style_name' from the styles table where style_id of the styles table is equal to the value of default_style of the config table.

I got as far as this query
"SELECT config.*, styles.style_name FROM `config`, `styles` WHERE config.default_style = styles.style_id LIMIT 1"

But obviously that will not work.

I know I can do this with two queries, but I am optimizing and I would like to reduce this down to 1 query, is this even possible to do with one query?

Thanks.left outer join|||Is this the same as a left join? I have heard of left join, but never of a left outer join.

Just an alias or what?|||yeah, it's the same

some databases allow the OUTER keyword to be optional

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