Friday, February 24, 2012

Help: Moving SQL Database to another machine

Hi All,
I will like to get some pointers on moving a SQL database to another machine
. I know that I have a couple of options such as: backup and restore, Sp_de
tach_db and Sp_attach_db, and import adn export. I was wondering which is t
he best option keeping a fe
w things in mind.
1) Need to keep the old SQL Server as is
2) Reduce data loss to the mimimum
3) The simpliest and most straight-forward option as I am kind of new to SQL
Also, I will like to know where I can find some good documentation on managi
ng SQL Servers.
Thanks in advance,
Dee.You can find the steps for moving databases to another
server in the following articles:
INF: Moving SQL Server databases to a new location with
INF: Moving SQL Server 7.0 Databases to a New Server with
For documentation on managing servers, books online is a
good resource. In addition, you may want to go through the
Operations Guide:
On Wed, 19 May 2004 12:21:05 -0700, "Bond_007"
<> wrote:

>Hi All,
>I will like to get some pointers on moving a SQL database to another machine. I kn
ow that I have a couple of options such as: backup and restore, Sp_detach_db and Sp_
attach_db, and import adn export. I was wondering which is the best option keeping
a f
ew things in mind.
>1) Need to keep the old SQL Server as is
>2) Reduce data loss to the mimimum
>3) The simpliest and most straight-forward option as I am kind of new to SQ
L Server
>Also, I will like to know where I can find some good documentation on manag
ing SQL Servers.
>Thanks in advance,

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